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If the Way of Ásatrú seems right for you, seek it out. Ásatrúar do not proselytize. We believe heathenry grows from the people and place where it resides. There is no correct or incorrect way. There are only ways that are informed by wisdom, courage, and dignity, and ways that are informed by ignorance, fear, and opportunism. If it is your destiny to become an Ásatrúar, you will become an Ásatrúar. Therefore, members of the ÁSA actively avoid argument and spiritual debate. However, there is always a need for education and the support of good teachers.
If you find Ásatrú resonates with you, don’t hesitate to contact us for more information. We will happily provide you a reading list and other resources to assist you on your journey. If you wish to explore Ásatrú further, consider contacting the ÁSA and let us know what you seek by signing up for one of the ÁSA-sponsored courses to aid you on your spiritual quest. We are happy to help.
To reach an ÁSA member teaching in your area, please use the form provided and a we will get back to you as soon as possible.