Membership in the Ásatrú Society of America

Membership in the Ásatrú Society of America
Currently, only those recognized as leaders (ON Goðar/“Gothar”) by a local “heathen” organization or “kindred” are eligible for full membership in the ÁSA. Recognition by an organization or kindred is established by providing a signed, verifiable statement by no fewer than nine (9) individuals acknowledging the applicant’s status as their leader (Goði/Gyðja/“Chieftain” etc.) or have otherwise received verifiable recognition through an established Ásatrú tradition or lineage, and meets the ÁSA Member Standards. A recognized Ásatrú tradition or lineage is one that can trace transmission from teacher to student back to a practicing Ásatrú “chieftain” recognized by the Ásatrúarfélagið in Iceland. (NOTE: The Ásatrú Society of America does not represent the Ásatrúarfélagið, nor do we maintain any formal ties with the Icelandic Ásatrúarfélagið or any other Norse heathen or Ásatrú organization inside or outside the United States). As part of this lineage requirement, it is expected that those claiming to have received direct transmission of heathen ritual and ceremonial knowledge provide proof of in-person experience with a teacher or “chieftain” of the tradition.
Applicants seeking membership in the Ásatrú Society of America but who have yet to receive the required recognition by an existing heathen organization or kindred are eligible for associate membership if they are currently in training under an ÁSA-recognized teacher who is willing to sponsor the applicant and thereby take responsibility for his/her training and conduct.
The ÁSA is based in North America and is focused on issues and areas of concern to North American “heathens.” However, membership is open world-wide. Membership requirements include:
- Submission of an application and applicant’s statement;
- Payment of annual dues use for the development and distribution ff educational resources, ÁSA training materials, events, and other administrative purposes;
- An agreement and pledge to uphold the ÁSA Mission and follow the ÁSA Ethics Guidelines.
To apply for ÁSA membership, please use the form provided here or send a request for more information. [Add membership application form]